Be ready to get surprised, and fall in love with the kids’ drawings – Experience the pure joy by seeing these drawing by kids and decorate them in your home
Once you spend some time with a kid, you’ll soon know they love to draw. All kids love to draw – it’s like a creative outlet for them. Well, the fact is that drawing with colours is a great stress buster for everyone – even for you and me. The joy of colours and creation is just so delightful – it is one of the simple yet elegant bliss of life. I feel everyone must get to enjoy and cherish the charm and wonder of drawing with colours. Don’t you?

Kids drawings
Look at these colourful kid’s drawings – they share fun, they are filled with dreams. I am so thankful that we live in a world where our young ones can indulge in art. And sometimes you can also take a break from the busy schedules of our grown-up life, just to feel cheerful with colours.

Now, to sweep you off the floor…
I am sure you liked what you just saw – the drawings by kids. I love the innocence of the form, the way things get drawn and depicted on a sheet of paper. How the frill of a skirt becomes a triangle. And the spherical sun is mostly a circle with a smile inside. That’s something only a kid can do because they see things that way – simple and uncluttered by worldly wisdom. It’s cute.
Now, will you believe that the kids’ drawings you see here are by blind children?

Yes, they are. Now, are you swept off the floor – and also wanting to relook at the kids’ drawings? Sure, you are, because, at the first look, these drawings by kids make you smile, they do not make you wonder. But once you find the story behind, the fact that it is drawn by visually challenged artists – a sense of awe sets.
Art is the highest form of hope
Gerhard Richter
I also was surprised upon hearing this. First, that blind kids can draw and write like us. Imagine, we can now communicate with the blind by writing, and not be limited to the brail code. Second, for a blind child, the presence of colour, forms and shapes is not familiar – until Shivani started the effort called Inside Me arts.

Inside Me Arts
You see, everyone is not as blessed as you, our young ones. Nature poses its challenges upon few of us; visual loss is one such challenge. The world of the blind is immensely different and challenging. Inside Me Arts understands this and is making a very positive change for the blind here in New Delhi. Shivani is an artist herself, and she realizes the worth of drawing, colours and art in a person’s growth.

We can draw what we see, and by drawing, we capture our memories. We comprehend our world better by drawing. But what if we cannot see, will our thoughts be lost? No, not at all for Inside me Arts is gifting the power of a pen to every child who can’t see. It is a unique process to teach the skill of drawing to blind kids. And, Shivani with her team is at the blind schools every day, five days a week.
You can join too. Support the initiative by bringing one of these purposeful artworks home. Do a wall decor that is meaningful and fills you with pride. You can also spare your time to work with the blind kids. Shivani and her team are seeking dedicated interests from people like you and me. Let’s volunteer towards making a change. For once, imagine an inclusive world when the drawing of kids, blind or not, will be the same. Well, welcome, the world is today, and it is here!
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