Discover Number 1 numerology for you and your home – Explore benefits, challenges and influences of Numerology Number 1 house
To lead a prosperous and successful life, we all look for a vaastu friendly home. But, have you ever thought of numerology while buying a house? I’m sure you know what numerology is and what are its effects. Following the rules of numerology will help you lead a blissful life. In numerology, each number is different. Every house number holds a special meaning; it influences the residents either positively or negatively.

Today, let me tell you how a house with destiny number 1 affects the lives of inhabitants. The residents living here are self-dependent and active. Number one in numerology is ruled by “Sun” and promotes independence, leadership and uniqueness.
Number 1 home
Are you a person who loves to follow their dreams no matter what the situation is? Yes? Then, #1 home is perfect for you. Inhabitants living in the house with number 1 are robust, unique and independent.
Influence of 1
a. Ideal for leaders
b. The residents will be self-reliant
c. 1 house will help you to follow your goals
d. Promotes independence and innovation
a. The individuals may feel lonely
b. You can become arrogant and can quickly get irritated
c. Couples may face conflicts
You can solve the problems with decor suggestion below.
a. Home requires more maintenance
b. The inhabitants may fail to socialise with others
Decor suggestions
The home and people with destiny #1 promotes innovation. Therefore, this house never looks the same every time. With their unique ideas, residents of this home keep on renovating the décor now and then. So here are some handy decor tips for numerology home 1.
- Use bright colours like red, orange or golden to paint the walls of your abode.
- Also, do not hang any decor items or hangings, etc., on the windows.

Life path number 1
The people born on 1 or 10 are known for their special characteristics like independence, unique, energetic and innovative. Furthermore, these individuals set their goals and follow them no matter what. When things don’t go as per their plans, they quickly get annoyed.
Also, people with destiny number 1 hate laziness. These individuals are creative and innovative; hence, they find answers for every problem. If you are born on 1 or 10, then you know the art of multitasking. On the other side, you are sometimes self-centred, egotistic and demanding. Because of your leadership qualities and success, you may become arrogant sometimes. People with destiny #1 find it difficult to follow others and seek no help from others.
Once you have been number 1, you can never be satisfied with less.
Chris Evert

Is Number 1 numerology for you?
A house with #1 teaches you how to be independent and follow your dreams. Therefore, people working in the field of politics, sports or entrepreneurs and students will find it as a perfect dwelling place.
Now, do you think #1 house is a perfect dwelling place for you? Yes? Then choose a house with numerology of 1, 10, 100 etc. Also, you can feel isolated in #1 home. Living in a number one house, you can try to mingle with your dear ones and friends more often. Lastly, follow your dream path and success will be yours.