Discover Pitta Dosha symptoms, remedies and treatment with Ayurveda guided home decor – Choose home interiors that heal by using the wisdom of Ayurvedic principles.
Your search for Pitta Dosh remedies ends here, today!
I am sure you know the Ayurveda Doshas – we all are a unique combination of the three doshas. For some of us, our Pitta Dosha could be out of balance. An imbalance of this Dosha can control our physical comfort and emotional behaviour. From digestive issues of acid reflux to anger spouts or sleeplessness – an imbalanced Pitta can cause plenty of chaos in your day to day life.
The essence of the ancient practice of Ayurveda is all about achieving balance in our lives. We have some news – the principles of Ayurveda extend beyond food and lifestyle choices. There is more you can do to embrace Ayurveda in your life. The secret is in selecting the things around you and your surroundings.
Read on for,
Ayurveda and Pitta
Pitta Dosha and you
Ayurveda for your Home
Designing your home for Pitta Dosha
Ayurveda and Pitta
Pitta Dosha combines fire and water together. Everything here is about a cool, calm and relaxing vibe. Of the tri-Dosha, Pitta is responsible for our metabolism and changes within our body.
The word Pitta comes from the Sanskrit word Tapa. – meaning heat. In a balanced form, the body heat channels into positive attributes such as ambition, intelligence and the need to grow. In an unbalanced form, the Pitta Dosha symptoms remind us of the heat we carry within us. Common markers are hot flashes, sweat, inflammation, and excessive anger.
Pitta dosha and You
What Pitta Dosha means for you?
Pitta persona is sharp, intelligent, and focused. Generally speaking, balanced Pitta people have a calm and relaxing aura with a keenness for perfection. Assertive and confident, the Pitta type tends to become a workaholic or over ambitious.Pitta in the body supports our digestion system; it takes care of excessive heat in our body. Emotionally, Pitta or fire can bring streaks of aggression in our behaviour. A pitta imbalance can also cause sleep disorders.
What are Pitta Dosha remedies for home?
You can enhance the Ayurvedic cures by adopting Pitta remedies for home décor. As per Ayurveda, balance is everything. Typically, an imbalance of Doshas can be seen due to a condition inside our bodies – a physical ailment or emotional chaos. These internal bodily troubles can be fixed with Ayurvedic food and medicines. But what about your external surroundings, where you spend most of your time? Ayurveda recommends several remedies for Pitta Dosha, mainly in medicine, food habits, and yoga poses. As food, yoga, and naturopathy create a balance inside your body, you need to ensure you and your body is in a balanced, non-disturbing environment. Your surroundings, the physical space where your body exists, can play an essential role in the Ayurvedic cures. Read more about Ayurveda in your home.

Ayurveda for your Home
Everything we see around ourselves affects our thoughts, minds, and bodies. The places and spaces of routine life affect our overall mental and physical wellbeing. You see, the interior colour combinations of your room design and décor can bring Ayurveda into your life. When the colours around us compliment our dominant Dosha – it brings a sense of comfort to us. Our natural personalities tend to feel content. However, when the shades negate our dominant Dosha, it impacts our wellbeing. We feel out of balance.

A mindful choice of home decor for your room can boost your Dosha balance. As per Ayurveda, your Dosha are an excellent guide for taking design home décor decisions like colour combinations, materials, lighting etc., for your home.
Designing your home for Pitta Dosha
A perfect home for Pitta Dosha should feel calm, relaxing and soothing. Well organised spaces with an open plan, many plants, low lighting are your choice for this decor style. Think relaxed and coastal vibe.
Pitta people tend to overwork or are workaholics. A personal corner at home to take a break from work or relax is a fit for the Pitta home design. To achieve a balance, a clutter-free, relaxing, low-temperature home is an excellent choice. Make sure to add a few classy touches of luxury to the house. Blue tones, mood lights, with metal accessories are your way to practical, healing home décor.
Colour combinations for Pitta
- Choose cool colours in hues of blue and green
- You can take Grey hades in parts as focus highlights
- The interior look must avoid the use of warm colours
- Metal furniture in silver tone is great
- Comfortable couch designed for relaxing postures
- Avoid the use of warm materials like wood Furnishings
- Light, breathable natural fabrics like cotton and linen for bedspreads, cushions, curtains and upholstery
- Art References to tropical climates with patterns of leaves or waves
Decor items
- Low lighting in natural white tones, no yellow tone lighting
- Low temperature in the house
- Green plants with flowers in cool shades of blue, lavender
- Floral essential oils and aroma candles