The most sustainable fashion in bedroom cupboards designs

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Written By ms

Did I get you stumped with the title here – sustainable fashion and bedroom cupboards designs – sounds like a typo error, does not fit together right? Well, let’s put a hold on that thought for a bit and read along. Here, I have an exciting choice for new bedroom cupboards designs. They are chic, savvy and most importantly, sustainable cupboards. So, are you ready for a revamp? Absolutely and always!

garment rack bedroom-cupboards-designs

Sustainable fashion at home

You may have heard of this term sustainable, and maybe have also come across the rising trend of sustainable fashion in clothing. And in case you have not, then let me assure you, it’s a fabulous choice of clothing, for you, me and everyone. Sustainable fashion is comfortable, trending, and you must get your hands and heels on it soon. 

Become an active citizen through your wardrobe

Livia Firth

sustainable fashion items

Now, while you dress yourself to save the planet, the next step is to décor your home with the same intent. Buying and embracing an entire collection of sustainable fashion is an excellent choice, and I thank you for saving our planet, one garment a time. At the same time, I don’t want your effort to go half-hearted. Let’s extend your journey into the world of sustainability, to include your home décor choices. As we are chatting about sustainable fashion, then let me also share a very viable way to store the eco-friendly clothes. Let’s discuss your bedroom cupboard designs. 

Bedroom cupboard designs

Usually, our cupboard designs are made of very un-eco-friendly materials like wood or plastic. And sometimes our bedroom cupboard is the steel almirah that came into our homes as the family heirloom. Most likely, you already have one of these cupboards at your home. But, then, with every festival, weddings and occasions bring in the new clothes that make our closets look smaller. Sooner or later, you realise the need for more storage space. You start looking for smart storage solutions. And if you have been a real fashion diva, then you may feel the need to buy a new cupboard. No worries, we all have been there.

Choose sustainable cupboard design

Here’s a smart wardrobe solution, borrowed from the heart of sustainable fashion – the clothing garment rack, crafted from bamboo. Yes, this is a simple and elegant design for your bedroom cupboard. 

bedroom-cupboards-designs rack
  • First, it’s made of eco-friendly bamboo; it comes with zero guilt of cutting our forests. 
  • Next, it’s a light and mobile piece of furniture. The styling of a bamboo garment rack is so humble and modest; it will fit into your current home décor effortlessly. 
  • Thirdly, you get high décor value at little cost. The lean form covers a small floor area, and the bamboo makes this cupboard design very affordable. 
  • Lastly, this rack is a bunch of shelves, with no shutters. So, you get to look at your lovely selections of clothes all the time, any time. And in case you want to cover your garment rack, drop a curtain from the ceiling. You know how I love the grandeur of curtains that fall from the ceiling to touch the floor. It’s splendid. 

Sustainable cupboards – Clothing racks

Limited Amazon offers – Chosen by our designers for your home

Eco-Cupboard design

Crafted with High-quality bamboo – Offers a charming look and lots of utility in as little as 2 feet of width.

Bonus point: Your bedroom feels bigger

clothing rack bedroom cupboard

Rolling Cupboard design

Comfort, aesthetics and ethics come together in this clothes rack – Made from renewable bamboo

Bonus point: Double storage space


With garment racks for the bedroom cupboards designs, you choose sustainably and decorate fashionable – all at the same time. No one said that saving our planet is going to be hard as hell, or a difficult choice. Becoming eco-friendly is as easy as you make it. Luckily, inside our homes, sustainable decor is a sensible and savvy choice. Select it today; let’s make sustainability fashionable!

What does sustainable mean?

Sustainable refers to the umbrella solution to all the climate worries of our times. It is an approach to a lifestyle that thinks long-term and wholistic. You see, we are always engaged in using water, fuel and creating waste and garbage. It is not the best way to live. So being sustainable means making healthier and beneficial choices for our lifestyle and the natural living systems around us – like the forests, the lakes, oceans, and so on. As a choice, we rethink about saving our natural resources. It’s all about focusing on the give and take between us and our ecosystems. 

What is sustainable fashion?

Recently, sustainable fashion is coming about. Since ages, fashion is about change. It has been about your wardrobe embracing the latest trends. Today with sustainable ways, style is embracing the cause of a better planet. Many brands have sprouted into fashion by making and selling ethical, eco-friendly clothes. The garments are created to reduce, reuse and recycle resources. The naturally processed, organic line of clothing is beautiful and comfortable for you, and our planet.

sustainable fashion