The Secret to Decorative items for the home – It’s your senses

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Written By ms

Let’s share the secret on how to choose wall decoration items, room decoration items and every big and small decorative item for home.

Your life at home is an experience. Everything and all the decorative items at home are to enhance a feeling of bliss for you. From the wall to the floors and the table decors – we style our homes for a comfortable living. Now, comfort is a short word, but it holds many vast and varying ideas for each one of us. Here is an insider secret, straight from the book of home interior designers – every place, especially homes, got to offer comfort – a sense of security. And the best way to boost comfort is by soothing our senses. 

The Secret to Decorative items

Yes, soothing your senses with decor is the big secret. I am talking about the five senses we hold as a living being. Have you noticed when you step into nature, say to a well-manicured garden or a beautiful beach, you feel a sort of relief? That’s because, in that one moment, a garden soothes all our five senses. You hear the birds chirping; you see the vibrant scenery, you touch and smell the lush greens, and taste the fresh air. And just in that one moment. We sense a feeling of homecoming. After all, home is all about making you feel happy in a place that is yours.

Awaken your sense through pleasure to be creative and happy. That is our nature.

Ina Gold
decorative items for home

So, ideally, all the decorative items at home – for bedroom, for living room, for the walls – should combine into a décor that soothes your senses. This may sound a bit tricky or twisted to achieve through décor. But stay with me, as it is much easier than you think. Let’s explore how to choose room decoration items to comfort our senses and, eventually, ourselves.

Room decoration items

Here is a simple and easy way to select home decoration items – choose one décor item for each of the five senses. Do this for every room in your home, even the balcony or the terrace and the entrance area. This way, your entire home will be like a paradise decorated to comfort you; it will bring a constant feeling of happiness. Let’s begin now.

What are the best decorative items for the home?

Home means happiness; it is our comfort place. The decorative items at home must bring a sense of bliss to you. A simple way is to choose decorative items to soothe all our five senses. Here is a list of room decoration items, sorted as per our sensory pleasures.

A. For Taste and Smell – Spread fragrances with fresh flowers, aroma diffusers, incense sticks, scented candles
B. To Hear – Hang Windchimes, install sound music systems
C. To touch – Offer a variety of textures in home décor with carpet rugs, upholstery
D. To see – Decorate with vibrant artworks, wall paint textures, mirrors and smart light colours

Remember, the decorative items at home are all about your comfort.
decorative items at home

Decorative items for living room

A water fountain, a vibrant piece of art such as sculpture or a table lamp are basic living room decorative items. Also, include furnishings such as carpet rugs, colourful furniture upholstery, and fresh flowers decorations.

flowers decorative items
wall decorative item mirror

Decorative items for bedroom

Create calming effects in your bedroom with subtle colours for wall decoration items like curtains and art canvas painting. Also, don’t forget to play with smart light shades for a visual treat. Aroma diffusers, along with a small speaker system, is a fantastic way to boost comfortable vibes with your bedroom decoration items.

decoration items

Before you leave here, to play around with your home décor to achieve a sort of nirvana for your senses, remember one last bit. We are blessed with five whole senses – the touch, the taste, the smell, the sight and the hearing. That’s a great joy. And while you celebrate your five senses in styling your home décor, remember that they are incomplete without our sixth and the best sense – the sense of humour. So, don’t tire yourself way too much comforting every sense at each corner of your home. Try to break free from the décor routine with a touch of humour. The Camp-style of interior design for apartments is one great way to feel comfortable and stylish with some witty fun. Feel glad for all that you can sense, and cheers to your home full of decorative items.