Nowadays, many various meanings of Eco-friendly have come about – from Eco-friendly lifestyle to eco-materials. Let’s see what the ‘eco’ really means for you and your home.
Nature is one of God’s best and most amazing creations, next to the man. We humans, take care of our belongings with all our might. But, sadly, we are a miserable failure when it comes to taking care of our environment. I mean, look at our behaviour towards the ecosystems. You and I can see that we don’t consider our planet earth to be of any great importance. Of course, that’s not right; and we are not here to pin the blame. Yes, our Earth is crying. It’s time to embrace an eco-friendly lifestyle at home.
What’s the use of a fine house if you haven’t got a tolerable planet to put it on
Henry David Thoreau

Also read: How to reduce your Carbon footprint at home
Lately, being environmentally conscious has become a trend. Recently, a few people, from the entire population of our world, voice their opinion to take a Climate Action stand. Still, the choices are up to each one’s viewpoint. Some preserve the marine life, and others talk about the right to equality of all humans. And each and everyone is a very valid cause to save our ecosystems.
Being Eco-friendly
You can do your bit by setting out on the journey of preserving the only planet supporting life – Earth. We think we have all the time in the world, but this needs urgent attention. You can begin by being eco-friendly, which in simple terms means not harming the environment. We consume plenty of natural resources and contribute to global warming. Every individual can help reduce carbon output by making a few eco-friendly lifestyle changes at home. After all, home is where all the action begins. So, let’s help you understand the meaning of eco-friendly; explain the many options and then make an informed choice.

In the comforts of our homes, we end up using plenty of natural resources; and also over consuming at times. But with a few adjustments, every household can make a huge difference in our fight towards a better and greener future. Here are a handful of simple steps to begin with:
1 – Control consumption with 3R’s – Reduce, Reuse and Recycle
2 – Save energy by switching off electronics
3 – Go green by planting more trees to absorb carbon
4 – Prefer a Carbon diet by avoiding highly processed foods
To an Eco-friendly Lifestyle

I only feel angry when I see waste. When I see people throwing away things we could use.
Mother Teresa
1. Control
When we consume, we create waste. This waste piles up as garbage dumps in landfills. Usually, the dump is burnt, emitting toxic pollutants or irritants into the air. Eventually, we breathe the same air – it’s like we are breathing the garbage we throw out. That’s a bit iky, right? Luckily we can take some simple steps to ensure clean air. You can adapt the 3 R’s – reduce, reuse and recycle.
- Your water consumption, take a shorter shower.
- Use of single-use plastic, refuse to take straws or plastic bags
Bamboo brush in Glass jar Glass straws Glass bottles
- Choose reusable home items with a longer shelf life
- Use reusable containers for routine shopping like groceries
- Your kitchen waste into compost for plants
- Rainwater or wastewater in no-touch activities such as watering plants or washing your car
2. Save energy
Switch off all the lights when not in use. You can choose to install long-lasting and less power consuming bulbs. Save energy by using solar power water heaters.

Do you know water and energy are interdependent? You should reduce water usage to save power. You can opt to bathe with a bucket and avoid a shower. In unavoidable situations, use your smartphone to time your shower and minimize wastage. Ensure you close the tap of the sink while brushing your teeth or shaving. Also, you can handle excessive wastewater from the water purifiers in the garden. Harvest rainwater to solve the groundwater depletion problem.
3. Go Green
Trees are a Life-line for human life. The decrease in the number of trees is increasing the levels of carbon dioxide. As a result, there is a change in the climate and the Earth’s atmosphere. And we all are having to wear masks for every outdoor activity. Glaciers are melting, and oceans are getting warmer. So let’s plant trees to reverse the carbon increase.

You know, it is a myth to believe that paper is better than plastic. Most of the waste in landfills is made of paper and plastic. When paper rots or plastic is burnt, it emits methane, carbon dioxide and creates a greenhouse gas effect. Although writing on paper is biodegradable, but many trees are cut down to make paper. I know, this sounds like a dilemma to choose – paper or plastic; but the solution is simple. Just plant trees and be mindful about your consumption.
4. Carbon diet
Our food intake also adds to the greenhouse gases and adds to the carbon footprint. Your daily food items that are processed like meat, cheese, and packaged food emit gases. It includes the fertilizers used to grow these crops. The energy that goes into growing, processing and transporting it also adds up to the problem. You can reduce this carbon footprint by avoiding packaged food, reducing wastage of food, and opting for seasonal items.

Choose eco-friendly
Eco-friendly materials are great to prevent pollution of air, water and land pollution. Pollution makes life troublesome; for example, air pollution results in deteriorating health conditions. Today, the eco-friendly meaning is like a tag. It is given on a product as a reminder to choose wisely with care and concern for our planet.

Next time you buy something or throw out waste – save Mother Earth and set an example for future generations. Let’s aim to cause lesser harm to the existing resources of the environment. Never let yourself down by disregarding nature, you and I are better than that. We can care.