Discover Gardening tips for your home garden – Discover the most common mistakes from planting to watering to harvesting
When it comes to gardening, people often err as they are unaware of how to take care of the plants in the right manner. Any garden can do better with a bunch of useful gardening tips. From planting to watering to harvesting, we got you covered for all the mistakes that can ever happen. Most people are unsure about the amount of water or sunlight a particular plant needs. Not knowing these things leads to the death of the plants rooted in your garden. Here, we got a list of the most common gardening mistakes people make.

There are no gardening mistakes, only experiments
Janet Kilburn Phillips
1| Planting out of season and starting too big

If the idea of planting a vast landscaped garden fascinates you, it is time to take a step back and begin small. Not having enough space or skill for planning your large dream garden is the most significant sign for not starting too big. So, small gardens with fewer plants are best to begin. Avoiding garden mistakes such as planting seeds or cuttings at an inappropriate time of the year is essential.
2| Overwatering

Too much watering is one of the most common gardening mistakes that some gardeners tend to commit. Once the seedlings develop a sound root system, frequent watering is not necessary. Watering at regular intervals ensures that the plants bloom the right way. A lot of water can cause the roots to drown and die. For instance, seasonal flowers need watering 3 to 4 times a week, whereas shrubs or trees need a good soak just twice a week. Shallow watering is yet another mistake that leads to shallow root run, toppling and wilting.
3| Overcrowding plants

Inappropriate sowing of seeds in small gardens pose problems with absorbing the essential nutrients in the soil. Failing to provide enough room for the roots to grow is one of the greatest mistakes. This problem occurs in flowers as well as vegetables. The robust plants try to push the other plants out of the way. If your house has a beautiful shady garden, planting some woodland plants is a great idea. Planting the sun-loving plants such as tomatoes or other vegetables in the shade leads to low yield.
4| Missing out on bed preparation

Ignoring bed preparation is a significant gardening mistake that leads to hardening of soil and stunted plants. Double digging the garden beds is necessary for loosening the ground so that the roots of the young plants can penetrate better.
5| Ignoring soil alterations

Soil conditions keep fluctuating due to rainfall, lack of drainage and soil runoff. Thus, laying organic soil over the existing mud is necessary. Adding cured manure and compost to your vegetable beds is useful for achieving healthy plants in your veggies garden.
6| Using weed killers and pesticides on the wrong day

Spraying herbicides on a patch of the lawn may kill the dicot weeds in the yard. But, they can also affect the nearby flower beds if the spray is carried away by the wind. Chemical herbicides should be avoided during rainy and windy days. Specific insect pollinators are necessary for a good harvest. But, frequent spraying of pesticides for preventing pests and weeds may scare off pollinators that aid in fertilizing the plant.
7| Planting invasive plants

If you are a gardening lover and a particular plant enchants you, checking it beforehand is necessary. Some plants are harmful weeds, and it is impossible to root out them after they are well established.
8| Forgetting the sun

Now, of course, plants need sunlight to grow. But every plant needs a different amount of sunshine. So, it is essential to know what are the solar needs of the plant you are planning to grow in your garden.
9| Ignoring the weather

Some plants grow prosperously in a particular climate. Vegetables like corn, beans and cucumber grow well when planted in late spring when the soil is warmer. The best season for growing broccoli is winters. So, when you are choosing a plant, make sure the weather is best suited for it.
10| Not protecting your plants

No matter how nice your garden looks and is well-maintained, there are still some creatures like birds, rodents, etc., who love destroying your plants. Not taking measures to keep these creatures away from your garden can create damage your plants severely.
11| Compatibility issues

That’s true! Not all plants play well together with one another. For example, potatoes grow exceptionally well when planted next to beans and corn. But, it creates a mess when planted right next to cucumbers and tomatoes.
Fresh for you: Few Facts You Didn’t Know About Home Gardening
After being aware of these common gardening mistakes, you can fix these issues and create a landscaped garden. Becoming a green-fingered gardener is now easy with these gardening ideas for beginners.
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