Complete list of gardening tools

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Written By ms

Having a beautiful garden around your house is fantastic. Let’s start you on the right foot with the right set of gardening tools.

Let me share two facts regarding you and your home. Number 1 – A garden is a perfect spot to enjoy some blissful moments with your friends and family. Number two – gardening as a hobby is the most rewarding ways to spend an early morning.

garden plants

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But, if you are a new gardener, then gardening can be a difficult task without the proper tools. Having proper gardening tools can speed up your work in your garden. Here is your list of some of the common types of garden tools for your garden:


Probably one of the most useful gardening tools that are a must for every garden. A shovel is of great help in distributing the soil evenly all over the soil bed. Not only you can use it for digging the mud, but it is also an excellent tool for levelling. A light-weight shovel is best for digging in gardens. If you wish to remove the dirt from the garden, then use a heavy-weight shovel. 

shovel garden tool

Spade gardening

Spade is a basic gardening tool that helps dig and seed plants. The square-shaped blade is used for digging holes in your garden bed and plant the bushes. You can also use a spade to remove unwanted weeds that are deeply rooted. Even more, you can use the tool to move rock, sand, and soil from one place to another.

spade gardening tool

A spade is usually smaller than a shovel, and the blades are particularly aligned with the handle. You can find different types of spades in the market with both a “T” or “DY” handles. A spade makes your gardening more efficient and enjoyable.

Gardening forks

Frankly, digging is a straining job, especially in rocky, compacted and hard soil. To make your job less painful, add different types of gardening forks to your gardening collection tools. Gardening forks usually have four to six prongs and come in different styles, such as D-shaped or T-shaped.

gardening forks

Gardening forks are mainly used to dig or break clay-like soil. These gardening forks are also an excellent tool for working organic material and fertilizer into your garden beds. A few common types of gardening forks available in the market are:

  • Digging fork
  • Border fork
  • Garden fork
  • Compost fork
  • Potato fork

Hoe gardening

A hoe is yet another essential gardening tool used to remove weeds and also loosen the soil around your plants. Above all, hoes are extremely helpful in preparing a garden or flower beds. Some of the common types of hoe used to cultivate garden soil are:

  • Paddle or Draw hoe
  • Stirrup hoe
  • Warren or Dutch hoe
  • Collinear or Onion hoe

set of gardening tools

Hand Trowel

If you are fond of container gardening or pot gardening, then a hand trowel is a must-have tool. A hand trowel is useful in transferring dirt into containers and plant seedlings. It helps loosen the soil and weed control as well.

Ease out the tedious, laborious gardening with different types of garden tools. With the correct set of tools, gardening becomes a fun activity. You can indulge in creating a beautiful garden and plant all your favourite flowers. Dig away!

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