Keep calm and think about grasses for the gardens

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Written By ms

Grasses for the gardens not only beautify the ambience but improves the well-being of an individual as well. Choose a barefoot walk on a patch of grass or sway of your fingers along with potted green blades; lawns can make you relax.

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Why grasses for the gardens?

It is a common belief that walking on the grass in the morning and evening induces a sense of calmness.  Doctors believe that when you step on the patch of fresh greens early in the morning, the dazzling sun rays and the warm grass rejuvenates your senses. Just the simple, soothing feel of the grass on your skin tempts you to let go of all the stress – you can genuinely feel relaxed. 

gardening with grasses

Having a successful lawn garden depends on several factors, including the types of grasses used. Different greens have their advantages and disadvantages. So, choosing the right grass for your lawn is essential. Here are some of the common grasses for your garden or garden trays.

Lemon Grasses

grasses for garden

The leaves of lemon grasses hold medicinal value and are used in aromatherapy for treating various conditions. This grass can be consumed orally or applied to the skin. Furthermore, lemongrass adds flavour to the herbal teas. It is also beneficial for enhancing the fragrance of cosmetics, soaps and deodorants — the antioxidant properties of lemongrass aids in reducing fever, pain and swelling. Lemongrass also plays a vital role in controlling the sugar and cholesterol level as well.

Ornamental Grasses

morning garden

Graceful ornamental grasses that liven the outdoor landscapes are a treat to the senses. The feathery flower spikes of certain ornamental grasses add immense beauty to the outdoor ambience. You can plant a large grass island, or include them one by one into container gardens. With a variety of striking colours and sizes, this type of grass is perfect for container gardening. Also, they grow well in open sunny positions and dry conditions. The showy blades of ornamental grasses come in orange, red, purple and yellow colours.

Perennial grasses

garden grasses

You can plant perennial grasses with striking upright blades in the containers, or combine them with other greens. Fountain grasses and pheasant grasses are some of the examples of beautiful pastures with flowers. The arching flowers that change colour from pink to white enhance the beauty of fountain grasses. Furthermore, the feathery flowers of pheasant grasses are delightful to the eyes.

Johnson grasses

grasses for garden

Johnson grass is a weed that grows on poor soils. It also flourishes in the areas where supplemental fertilizers are frequent. Found around nurseries, these grasses spread through seeds as well as underground stems. Although, as this plant keeps regrowing, getting rid of Johnson grass is not as simple as mowing. But, herbicides such as Surflan, Treflan and Pendulum assist in avoiding seed germination. 

Environmental benefits of natural grass

Besides, being a hobby for many or outdoor decor, grasses for the gardens offer many environmental benefits such as:

  • Purifies and improves air quality by reducing carbon dioxide
  • Increases the level of fresh oxygen
  • Enhances the quality of groundwater
  • Reduces soil erosion and improve the soil quality as well
  • Above all, it keeps the environment cooler during warm weather
  • Lush green open spaces reduce fire hazards
pot on cycle

Won’t you prefer to be in a room overlooking landscaped greenery? Just the sight of green grasses builds for a more delightful experience. It is no secret that greenery improves our moods and reduces stress. In other words, plants can reduce tension, anger, fear and blood pressure. Activities in and around natural grass offer many health benefits. So I suggest you get a patch or pot of green meadows for your haven that we call home.