Fresh flower rangoli designs for your home – Discover beautiful Rangoli designs with flowers, How to select petals and leaves for rangoli and design tips.
The traditional custom to celebrate festivals by Rangoli designs with flowers is gaining popularity again. You see, age-old traditions, like flower rangoli design, have more meaning and purpose than the trend-driven fads nowadays. As a classic Onam pookalam or a simple everyday ritual, flower rangoli designs are a fabulous way to rejoice and décor our homes.
The Earth laughs in flowers
Ralph Waldo Emerson
So, it is terrific that you are about to decorate fresh flower rangoli designs – it will fill your place with the joy and giggles of happiness. Now, let’s pluck some Rangoli designs with flower petals and leaves.
Flower Rangoli design Guide

Choose Rangoli designs with flowers
Flowers are a gift of nature and a real blessing for any décor. The delicate petals bring a vibrant punch of colour, and the blend of floating fragrances is just plain blissful. And that’s not all; these simple flower Rangoli designs have more to offer. Straight from the bounty of nature, flowers save us from the use of plastic and other deadly sins of overconsumption. Gathering the petals from local gardens bring a unique and memorable family outing. Bring out a basket or a box and step out on a nature walk with your friends and family. Gathering flower petals is way more fun than walking in a crowded market to buy pricey plastic-wrapped Rangoli designs. Choose Rangoli designs with flowers – bring in the colours, the sweet fragrances and care for our planet one more time.

1. A vibrant punch of natural colour
2. Bold lingering fragrances in your home
3. Gathering flower petals makes for fun family time
4. Flowers Rangoli save us from buying pricey plastic-wrapped Rangoli designs
Fresh flowers rangoli designs are truly delightful, but they can also harm your floor or furniture. Here is a list of things you must check when selecting flowers rangoli:
a. Look for staining from rangoli with flowers and leaves
b. Fresh Flowers can cause pollen allergies, make sure to double-check for them
c. Get fresh petals, Flower Rangoli Designs look better with fresh-cut petals
Selecting Fresh flowers for Rangoli design
Look for Staining
The natural organic flower petals can welt, dry out and even leave a stain on your gorgeous floor and furniture. Most likely, the fresh flower Rangoli designs go on your floor or a tabletop. So, it is absolutely necessary to make sure the flowers don’t stain your floor. I am sure you don’t want any stain marks for the rest of the year.

An excellent way to check this is by dipping the flower petals into a bowl of water and leave it overnight. In the morning, check the bowl of petals and leaves – some petals may leak colour into the water – these are a no go for your Rangoli design. Another quick way if the smash the petals within your fingers and check for any colour rub off.
Check for allergies
Everyone loves the flowers and the alluring fragrances, expect the ones who are allergic to them. Yes, many of us are allergic to flowers, and you may not even know of it. Let me explain. All of the beautiful flora comes with pollen – and sadly, some of us suffer from severe pollen allergy. Sniffs, cough, cold and also fever are common allergies caused by pollen dust. Thankfully, there are lots of local flowers that are hypoallergic – they do not create any allergies. It is best to choose such non-allergic flora for your Rangoli with flowers and leaves. Rose, daffodil, carnations are the common allergy free flowers that are safe for all your Rangoli decoration ideas.

Have fun with the colours
Let’s not forget that your Rangoli is a decoration for a festival – it’s got to look great, and it’s got to be a celebration! Choose flowers with bright, cheery colours. Carnations, marigold, rose and also Champa offers a wide range of colours in flower petals. And don’t shy away from using the green leaves to style your Rangoli design – it adds a bit of nature’s style.

My last note,
Bounce up your Rangoli design with flowers by adding few diya lights. You can also choose to decorate the Rangoli with paper diyas, and Kalash made with origami papercraft. Let your creation of Rangoli design with flowers glitter and glam up your place. Happy festivities!