How to choose the best rocking chairs for home

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Written By ms

Rocking chair styles and buying tips – Discover the best rocking chairs in wood, plastic, cane, wrought iron, for yourself and your kids. 

A rocking chair is such a delight to have at home. Be it for your morning tea, a lazy afternoon snooze or the late evening reading – a comfortable rocking chair never fails you. For me, rocking chairs are like the king of lounge chairs. There is no better furniture than a good chair that lets you sink in and relax. 

wooden rocking chair

Now, when it comes to chairs for home, there are many, many options. Over the centuries of period furniture styles and the contemporary modern chairs – you can easily count around a hundred different chair designs. Believe it or not, but from the hundreds of chairs, there is one perfect seat that is made for your home. Let’s find it for you.

Rocking chairs

What are the types of rocking chairs?

Like most furniture pieces, rocking chairs also offer various designs, styles and sizes. Rocking chair designs can be categorized under two topics – the material and the size and style.
A rocking chair as per Materials:
a. Wooden
b. Plastic
c. Cane
d. Steel
e. Wrought iron
f. Leather upholstered

Size and style of rocking chairs:
a. Baby
b. Kids
c. Lounging
d. Antique
e. Modern
f. Foldable

Chair designs

Wooden rocking chair

There is nothing more indulgent than a high-quality wooden rocking chair with excellent craftmanship. Yes, the sight of a rocking chair in wood may remind you of your grandparents, or their parents. You see, the elegance of an antique rocking chair is almost unforgettable. But today we also have some very sleek and smart looking modern rocking chairs in wood. You can also find some stylish upholstered rocking chairs in leather or fabric. 

Plastic rocking chair

Most of the chairs for kids are made in plastic, mainly because it is light in weight. The lightweight build ensures the safety of your child, in case a foot slips below a swinging rocking chair. For the full-size plastic chair, you can find a metal body with plastic weave. Also, local brands such as Nilkamal offer this style in full plastic body.

Metal rocking chair

A Wrought iron rocking chair with engraved teak wood; or a polished steel chair – pick your favourite style and get ready to relax. Some modern metal rocking chairs also come with slider wheels for a smooth swing experience. 

Cane rocking chair

If you are thinking about choosing the ethical lifestyle, then cane is the way to go. Cane furniture looks chic while taking care of mother nature. And you will also support a local craft industry. Most of all, the cane is fabulous for indoor setting and even outdoor areas; need I say more?

Cane Rocking chair

How to check the quality of a rocking chair?

  1. Check bottom sections

    Check the pair of curved sections that sit at the bottom of the chair. These parts make the chair rock or swing and thereby take all the load. Make sure curved bottom portion does not have any joints and is made from one continuous piece of wood, cane or metal. 

  2. Look for a comfortable curve

    There is a curvature in the bottom pair of pieces. When the chair rocks, this curve decides the amount of back and forth. Now some rocking chairs have a long and deep curve, allowing you to lie back while swinging. Other chairs have a sit-up position even when they rock. Make sure to choose the correct curve as per your comfort. 
    wooden rocking chair short swing

  3. Ask about the material quality

    Your rocking chair is a moving piece of furniture, so when buying, you must ensure the material and joints are secure. Take a close look for any cracks and loose fittings

  4. Easy of use

    The height of your chair can make it easy or difficult to sit and rock. Ensure the top of the chair seat is between 1’4” (16 inches) to 1’8”(20 inches). At this height, your rocking chair will feel comfortable and safe.