A Mattress Protector lets you Dream peacefully

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Written By ms

You see, a bedroom is never complete without the right mattress or a well-kept mattress. Yes, we are talking about the mattress protector in your bedroom. Your bedroom is your retreat to rest, sleep and dream. We all put in a lot of effort and money in making our bedroom more comfortable. But, there is always something missing out. You know how a comfortable bed is essential for a good restful sleep. Won’t you agree?

mattress protector

Now, a typical mattress stays in good shape for ten years, if maintained with proper care. So, choosing a high-quality mattress is always a smart investment. And more than the bed’s mattress, protecting it is as crucial. That’s why we recommend the must-have mattress protectors.

What are mattress protectors?

A mattress protector is a sheet of fabric that lays on top of the bed. It protects the mattress from spills and stains. They also guard your mattress against dust, bed bugs and bacteria.
A usual mattress protector is a sheet of cloth that sits on the top of your bed or covers it with a closed zip. Some of these mattress protectors are waterproof and are anti-allergic as well. Hence, reducing the risk of skin-related issues like rashes or irritations.
dirty mattress bed

What are the types of mattress protectors?

Mattress protectors are generally categorised based on two types – size and material used.
Available Sizes are King, Queen, Single, Double, Full and Twin.
Material choices are Cotton, Bamboo, Polyester, Plastic, and Microfiber.

Types of mattress protectors

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A cotton mattress protector is breathable and protects your bed from moisture. Cotton fabric comes without any chemical and pesticide usage. So, due to the organic composition of cotton, they are non-allergic. Thus, making them perfect for people with skin sensitivities. A cotton mattress protector also stays cooler in summer so you can enjoy a peaceful sleep.


For a soothing and restful sleep, a bamboo mattress protector is the best option. Natural bamboo fabrics are known for being 100% non-allergic. Thus, avoiding the growth of odour-causing bacteria and germs.

Bamboo Terry Waterproof Mattress Protector, 78 x 72, King Size, White


Polyester is a durable fabric that is easy to clean and maintain. Also, these fabrics are the least expensive and are available in a variety of textures and styles. In case you don’t know, let me tell you that a polyester fabric does not absorb moisture and also dries up quickly.

Elasticated Water Proof Mattress Protector for Single and Double Bed sizes


Microfiber mattress protectors are water-resistant. They prevent the transmission of liquids, dust and germs into the mattress. They are durable and are cooler to sleep on like cotton mattress protector.

bed mattress protector
Terrycloth Dustproof and Waterproof Protector King Size Mattress, 78″x72″


Mattresses made of plastic or Vinyl are effective against germs and liquids. There are a few drawbacks of plastic mattress protectors like they generate heat and are often wrinkled. But then these are easy to clean and maintain.

Double Bed Mattress Protection Plastic Sheet
Waterproof Double Bed Mattress Protection Plastic Sheet, 7.5 x 6.5 ft

Why use a mattress protector for bed?


We sweat, cough and also shed dead skin or hair during our sleep. These make the bed dirty, unhygienic and wet or sticky like surface. When the bed contains moisture for a more extended time, it becomes a breeding ground for germs. By keeping your bed covered with a mattress protector, you save it from dirt, stains and moisture-free. You can easily wash a mattress protector as well.


The beds we buy are usually costly. So, protecting it from getting damaged is essential. A mattress protector increases the lifespan of your bed by keeping it safe from germs.

3. Toddler-friendly

Believe me, if you have kids in your home, then maintaining a clean bed is a tough task. But don’t worry! There are waterproof mattress protectors to keep your bed free from those night-time nature calls, spills and stains. You can find a variety of waterproof double bed sheets in the market within your budget.


A bed with bugs and germs is often hard to clean. When you come in contact with these bugs, there are chances to develop itching and rashes. A mattress protector laying on the top of your bed can be easily washed now and then.

mattress protector sleep

Now that you know the benefits of mattress protectors, we hope you buy one and enjoy a peaceful sleep. They are suitable for all age groups and are available in different sizes and colours. These protectors make your mattress more comfortable so that you can sleep better. After all, a quality sleep promotes a healthy lifestyle!!!