Complete wooden furniture catalogue for your home

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Written By ms

Roomfruit brings the A-to-Z wooden furniture catalogue to assist your home decor spree, just so you don’t miss picking any important piece of furniture.

wooden arm chair

When it comes to decorating our home, the first thing we focus on is style. Decorating your home with wood furniture can be inviting, comfortable, and stylish. You can either get your furniture custom-made from a good carpenter or buy online. There are plenty of websites online where you can pick up some fantastic furniture. Below, I have listed different types of wood furniture to help you choose the best for your home.


wooden bed design

The first and foremost in any wooden furniture catalogue is the beloved bed. Choosing a high-quality bed for your bedroom is the basic requirement for a comfortable sleep. After all, your bedroom is your getaway for relaxation. Pairing your bed with a soft mattress helps you get good sleep. So, shop well and choose keenly. 

Chest of drawers

chest of drawers

When it comes to storing clothes, I find the chest of drawers most useful. Not only are they affordable and of high utility; the wooden chest of drawers also bring a sense of warmth into your room. Moreover, a chest of drawers made in wood is durable and long-lasting. You can even use these drawers as a decorative piece in the hallway or lobby. 

Side tables

Wood side table

Side tables are a style quotient for your bedroom and living room. They enhance the decor of your bedroom and provide you with extra storage space. Besides, you can place different things like a glass of water, mobile phone, book, etc. on your bedside table.  

Also read: The Only Bedside table resource you will ever need

Coffee table

wooden furniture catalogue

For me, a coffee table is a piece of lovely furniture. Regardless of the size and shape, coffee tables can be hugely overwhelming. It is useful for keeping magazines, newspapers, books and other tiny items.

Dining table

dining table wooden furniture catalogue

A dining table is an essential element of your house. It is a place where we all enjoy our meals together with the complete family. So, make sure you buy the best piece of wood furniture for your dining table.


armchair wooden furniture catalogue

If you have elderly people at home, then armchairs can be of great comfort. These chairs offer relief to your arms while you are sitting and watching TV or reading a newspaper. Above all, armchairs are also elegant and stylish in appearance.

Day bed

Compact and versatile, day beds are perfect for a studio apartment and tiny homes. Day beds or divans are not only perfect for sleeping but are also ideal for seating. A day bed with a vibrant cover and some throw pillows is the chic piece of furniture for a modern house.


wood swing

Swings are the beautiful wood furniture that adds elegance and a bit of fantasia to your house. A swing, be it indoor or outdoor, is perfect for relaxing in your free time; and to idle away in a day dream.

Rocking chair

wood rocking chair

We all have sweet memories of our grandfather sitting on a rocking chair and reading the newspaper. Add freshness to your living space with a charming rocking chair. You can add a colourful cushion to this chair to fit your modern space.


wood sofa wooden furniture catalogue

Perhaps, the most important wood furniture found in any house is – Sofa. You see, of all the furniture at your home, the sofa is the most popular and comfortable spot to chit chat with your friends. So, having a lovely and high-quality sofa in your living room is a must.  

wooden furniture designs

Wood has been a timeless element for furniture for centuries. Wooden furniture’s charm and long life are unmatched in comparison to some other home furniture options. For home decor, uses of wood are plenty. Wood furniture stands the test of time for its durability, low maintenance and flexibility. Now, you got enough reasons and ways to bring wood into your place, so let’s begin decorating.