Surely, you agree that wooden furniture improves the look and appeal of every room. But, planning and buying wooden furniture for your room is not an easy task. We all know that. It requires more expertise in wood and woodwork.

So, let’s look at some handy buying tips for you to remember when you visit any furniture market. You will find these very useful when exploring some of the showrooms or online furniture stores.
Picked for you: Complete wooden furniture catalogue for your home
Know the type of wood
Usually, the type of wood used to make the furniture decides its strength. Now for purposes of strength and resistance, the wood comes in two types:
The Teak, Oak, and Mahogany are the best examples.
The Cedar, Pine, and Fir are the ideal examples

The hardwood provides more benefits as compared to the softwood. These benefits include a longer shelf life, higher climate resistance, and great flexibility. Besides, hardwood offers unique textures and grain patterns. Furniture with hardwood adds more grace to your room.
Confirm the wood seasoning
A living tree, the source of wood, flourishes with very high levels of water content. When we cut a tree, this water dries up within the wood. Further, it forms an uneven shape. So, the furniture made from this wood will be at high risk of cracking or warping. To avoid such mishappenings to your beautiful, hand-picked furniture, the wood is seasoned. Air-drying or termite treatment are typical ways to season the wood. It enhances the wood strength and improves surface finish.

Pin the anti-scratch coating
You see, anti-scratch coatings protect the wood from scratches and seals out dirt as well. Durable PU coating is the best example for this purpose. It provides a secure layer on wood and guards from water penetration. Also, it gives the wood a shiny look.
Look for wood carving style
The intricate carving on any furniture gives a royal look for your room. But, these exquisite carvings collect dust over a period and become hard to clean. As a result, the furniture becomes less attractive. So, give more value to simple carvings which are easy to clean.

Get info about the fillers
Every wooden furniture has some amount of wood filler in it. It helps to fill the cracks and holes in the wood. It comes in two types: water-based and oil-based. The furniture made with water-based needs more care.
Check for defects and finishing
Look through the wood for natural defects such as knots, colour variations, and pitch pockets. Even though these defects do not affect the furniture’ utility, but they do leave a dent on beauty. Also, check whether the top finish of the furniture is rough or consist of bubbles. Varnish and paints can quickly bubble to create stains on the surface, And once they dry out, the bubbles tend to peel out and expose the wood to weathering.

Check nature of woodwork
Have a careful look at the furniture modelling. Whether the pieces are tied together using proper wood joints or using regular nails. The carpentry joints, such as Dovetail joint, offers more benefits over the usual ones. These joints hold the pieces firmly and enhance the furniture’s life.
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