Bedroom decor hacks for you– no wall painting needed

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Written By ms

Bedroom decor is an extension of you and everything within-from wall paints to the cushion covers-talk about you and your style. Actually, bedrooms are the only rooms that are designed completely and absolutely for your comfort. They are made truly for you. Just like you change your looks to stay stylish, why not spruce up your bedroom.  The trick here is to just sprinkle some of your stylish self on those plain walls. And the list I have here won’t take more than your next weekend. There is an added bonus too– it is all DIY, no wall painting needed.

Here are your simple bedroom décor hacks:


My very first suggestion is to display your life on those boring bedroom walls. Make a lifestyle statement –personalize those walls. Use bookshelves if you are a reader; prop up your bicycle or a tennis racket to rejoice the sports enthusiast in you; or display your prized possessions as an art collector- maybe a rug or an antique door.

You can also hang empty frames or framed art pieces. Adding objects on your walls is a very effective way to create some interest. Now, with any of these objects, the composition is most important. Make a random pattern or organise a grid. Just keep a close watch on the overall look you have in mind and don’t make it messy.

Grow a garden

This may sound like a crazy suggestion, especially for your bedroom. But it actually works, especially with empty walls that don’t have any door, window or cupboard openings. Vertical gardens can easily crawl up your walls in matter of few minutes. Of course, these gardens are synthetic –but that’s why they are so good for indoor use. They are evergreen; and zero maintenance. So, pump up the decor of your bedroom with some freshness of nature.

Must read: Indoor plants -7 ways to decorate them in your home

Curtains to match the bedroom decor

Curtain up is a phrase that aptly fits for any bedroom décor. To think of it, a good amount of your bedroom wall is covered with curtains; and dear me there are just so many options to choose from. The draping styles such as roll downs, blinds, track; the cloth fabric like sheer, opaque, solar resistant. And then the pattern, the colour – it’s the place to go for a creative boost. You can be subtle with matching wall colour fabric; or be bold with contrasting roman drapes; or even get luxurious by dropping the curtain from the ceiling till the floor. Curtains can be fixed in so many ways, and are the best way to enhance your bedroom’s look.

Décor with Wall panels

Would you like some exciting new energies in your bedroom – choose decorative wall panels, the 21st century way of wall décor. Made from PVC or sometimes natural fibre, these self-sticking panels come in endless options. You can buy them from most online stores; just clean the wall surface, place the sticker and all done! For most of us, decorative wall panels are the foolproof answer to our wall décor worries.

Light up, light down

Another great way to boost your bedroom decor is with lights. Bedrooms are such fascinating spaces. Apart from sleeping, a bedroom is also our go-to space for daily activities – from reading, chatting, screen time, music, the list is just endless. With LED technology, you can do a different light for every mood. Colours, focus, spot-lights, night lamps are a few options. Flush your bedroom with varying effects of light, and bring a world of experience inside those 4 walls.

Don’t feel limited by wall paints; or expensive pop work. Today, you have plenty of choices to decorate your bedroom walls. It is all about spotting your style in these wall décor options.

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