Bedroom design for kids can become challenging for a loving mom who knows their kids too well. Roomfruit brings the basics of design a children’s bedroom.
Encouraging your kids under 18 to share their bedrooms have lots of benefits. First of all, it creates a sense of security, especially at nighttime — also, kids sharing a bedroom experience sound sleep. Secondly, your kids start communicating with each other at a different level. They talk about the stuff they did during the day and make plans for the next day. They talk about their friends, read together, play together and even listen to music together. This increases the bond between them.

At the same time, we all know kids need their personal space after a certain age. We all know, it takes a bit of extra planning when it comes to bedroom design for kids. But we have got you covered. We carved out your children’s bedroom into two zones – the Shared zone and the Me zone. And I promise it is a lot of fun!
Here are some tips that will inspire you to decorate your kid’s room with complete joy:
1. Shared zone
Let’s be honest; when two or more kids share their rooms, they can mess it up. There will be disagreements quarrels and other stuff. But, you can have some standard rules and things which they can share. For example
A Pinup wall
This is one of the must-have element in your kid’s shared bedroom. A pinup wall is the best place to hang their paintings, their medals or even reminders. You can also dedicate an entire wall to showcase their creative ideas. Kids love to draw and write on walls. So, rather than forcing them not to draw here and there, give them a personal wall to draw and write.

Toys and Games shelves
Having kid-friendly wall shelves in their bedrooms will make the room clutter-free. Ask them to keep all their toys neatly in the storage boxes after they finish playing with them. By doing so, you can cultivate the habit of keeping things nicely and adequately in your kids at an early age.
Library niche
Little readers cherish a library. Nothing gives children better joy in life than reading storybooks. So, create a cosy and comfortable library niche in their bedroom with some fun and imaginative reading books. Having a library in their bedroom will also encourage the kids to take a break from the television.

2. Me zone
Most kids love to share some things. But, at the same time, kids need a few personal items that only belong to them. So, while planning bedroom design for kids, keep in mind these handy tips.
Another read for you: Five storage ideas in and around your kids’ beds
Make sure you have separate beds for your kids. First, they have enough space to sleep without any disturbances. Second, they tend to develop a sense of courage to sleep alone. You can also go for bunk beds or twin beds, but they take up too much space and makes the bedroom look congested.

Peep out zone
I don’t really have to tell you how kids love to observe things very much, especially trees, sky, animals like dogs and cats. So, make sure that each kid has a window near their bed so that they can enjoy the beautiful views of the surroundings. And waking up to sunlight is a joy in itself. A bright and sunny view can keep their mood positive all the time.

Hideaway zone
Remember yourself as a kid, and the immense joy of playing hide and seek. I am sure your kids love it too. So, instead of stopping kids from going out and play, design a hideaway zone in their bedroom itself. You can have a tent or maybe a small closet behind the curtains. This is an exciting thing to add to the decor of your kid’s bedroom. I guarantee your kids will love it!

Bedroom design for kids is fun but needs careful planning. When kids share their bedrooms, they learn lots of life lessons. They develop the habit of sharing and giving their things to one another. It also produces a sense of responsibility towards your siblings. So, what is the wait now, go ahead decorate your kid’s bedroom and give them a pleasant surprise!