You might wonder why a carbon footprint calculator? You see to reduce Carbon; one needs to know the what and how of it. That’s why calculating your carbon footprint is essential. Firstly, you will discover how much greenhouse gases you are putting into the atmosphere and may feel guilty about it. Secondly, you will know which are the activities that you do are producing more carbon footprint. And lastly, you may get to boast about your eco-friendly lifestyle with a lean carbon footprint. So, are you ready for carbon reduction?

A good read for you: What is carbon footprint – and why it matters?
Above all, the steps you take to reduce your carbon footprint have many more benefits. For instance, it can help you lessen your energy bills and save money. So, let us see some of the best carbon footprint calculators for the Indian lifestyle.
Carbon footprint calculator
What is a carbon footprint?
A carbon footprint calculator measures all the greenhouse gases produced by us or the things we use. Now, as humans, our bodies consume and create Carbon, and that cannot be stopped. A Carbon footprint calculator puts a number or a percentage to the Carbon we produce through lifestyle choices. Once we have a number, we can actively reduce it. Our habits can be moderated to lessen the rising Carbon levels. Greenhouse gases include mainly carbon dioxide (CO2), methane and ozone that infect our atmosphere. Fossil fuels are the primary source of polluting our atmosphere.

UN carbon footprint calculator
- This calculator checks your domestic household emissions as per the latest UN specifics
- The data is checked for credibility using different tools
- The amount of greenhouse gas emissions are given in CO2 equivalent
- You can even use the default values for calculations
- All three emission categories: household, transport, and lifestyle add up to the final calculation
Explore the UN Carbon Footprint Calculator
Tata footprint calculator
- This easy-to-use calculator has a set of questions that need to be filled and submitted
- With the Gold Standard carbon offset program, TATA has managed to reduce your carbon footprint
- This calculator allows you to give answers to all the board categorize
- Tata footprint is one of the most effective tools for calculating carbon footprint calculator India
Go to the Tata footprint calculator
WWF Footprint calculator
- This calculator comprises a set of questions about your lifestyle choices and habits
- Based on your answers, it calculates the footprint score
- The items include four main categories: food, home, travel, and stuff
- This calculator is user-friendly
- Each question comes with a brief explanation to help you give the best answer
- The calculation also provides you with the link to learn how to reduce your footprint
Try the WWF Footprint calculator
My Climate Personal Carbon Calculator
- This carbon calculator has six primary tabs: house, flights, car, motorbike, bus and rail and secondary
- All will need around 15 to 20 minutes to answers all the questions
- The calculator is one of the finest to calculate accurate results
- It covers broader aspects of your lifestyle for calculation
- Complete details are provided to help you give your best answers
Go to the My Climate Personal Carbon Calculator
While all these help you calculate your carbon footprint, the results may not be accurate. Nevertheless, they give you a fair idea of your carbon input. Once you have your carbon footprint, you can spot the areas that need reduction. It is a long journey to zero carbon homes, but what matters today is that we begin it, as soon as possible.
We need the world to put a price on Carbon.
Tony Hayward

Why Carbon Matters?
Now, let me tell you some quick points about what Carbon is and its footprint.
Every living substance on our planet is made up of four elements, namely carbon, hydrogen, oxygen and nitrogen. Around 95% of our body is made up of these four essential elements. While trees inhale Carbon we human’s intake carbon through the food, we eat.
Grow more greens, and keep doing so – forever! Let me tell you a calculated fact. When a tree matures, it can inhale up to 48 pounds of carbon dioxide (CO2) per year. In turn, as we know, trees release oxygen which we inhale. The amount of oxygen released by a mature tree is enough for us to breathe for two years. This is the reason why planting and growing trees in your house or open surroundings is vital. More is the number of trees; more is the oxygen density in the atmosphere. Carbon reduction helps control global warming and supports a sustainable lifestyle.
Tips to Carbon reduction
There are several ways to reduce the harmful effects of a carbon footprint. Now mind you, the list may sound harsh, but it is worth it. Let’s try to follow the steps for a Carbon-free world
- Use less electricity and ensure that all lights and fans are switched off when not in use
- Reduce using cars and burning fuels, prefer public transportation
- Avoid thrashing all our old clothes, toys and other things in dustbins. Donate them for reuse or take them to the recycle centre
- Choose paperless banking and billing systems
- Control using plastic bags for carrying groceries prefer the use of cloth grocery totes
- Fit low-watt CFLs or LED lights instead of fluorescent lights as they consume more energy

Well, these are all minor changes, which we can use in our daily lifestyle. These small lifestyle changes can make a huge impact and can save ourselves from the wrath of Carbon. A simple lifestyle change is enough to make a difference and protect our planet – one carbon footprint at a time.
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