FengShui Mirror for your home

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Best tips for Fengshui mirror placement of wall, Find all about mirror facing windows or doors, How to choose and place FengShui mirror for benefits and balance energies with Bagua mirror

Are you looking to decorate with mirrors – have you heard about feng shui mirrors? Yes, the mirrors have feng shui associated with them. Just as you plan your home in compliance with Feng shui energies, it is essential to understand the feng shui elements and their influence on your life.

feng shui mirror placement on wall

 Mirrors and Feng Shui

Mirrors are an elegant home decor item. They are a genuinely gorgeous furnishing item for any home decor. Now, you know mirrors come in different shapes, colours, and designs that blend well with your home decor. And, as per FengShui, every form has a purpose to it. Some configurations can boost good energies, while some can deflect bad ones away from your home. So, before you bring in mirrors and place them in your home, let’s take a quick look at the feng shui principles associated with the mirrors. Here, we are sharing all that you need to know about mirrors and Fengshui at your home.

Where should a mirror be placed as per Feng Shui?

FengShui mirror placement for good luck recommends mirror location as per:
– Use of Room, like bedroom, living, kitchen
– Reflection in the mirror
– Purpose of a mirror, like balancing energies or avoiding bad vibes
– Best directions for placing a mirror in the Bagua areas are north, east, and southeast. 

Find How to place a mirror for feng shui benefits?

Is mirror facing door bad luck?

As per Feng shui, a mirror facing a door, or a window is desirable – it can boost positive energies in your room. However, the type, shape and reflection in the mirror must confirm to Feng Shui guidelines. Otherwise, mirrors can prove to be very unlucky for you and your household.
Explore the Best type of Feng Shui Mirror for your home

What are the benefits of mirrors?

Feng Shui recommends decorating with mirrors; here are the top reasons:
a. Balance energies
b. Invites wealth and health
c. Boosts positivity
Explore all about Feng shui mirror placement

Types of Feng Shui Mirrors

You know, many different types of mirrors available in the market. All of them can have different influences on your life. Check out the standards of the mirror and their FengShui:

Flat mirrors 

Flat mirrors are regular mirrors that come in round, square, rectangle, or oval shape. You either frame these mirrors or use them as a frameless mirror with polished edges.

Convex mirrors

If you have noticed a mirror that looks like outside of a bowl, then these mirrors are the convex mirrors. If you place these in your home, they act as the watchful eye.

Concave mirrors

The mirrors that look like the inside of a bowl are the concave mirrors. These mirrors can deflect sharp energies into your home. 

Bagua mirrors

Bagua mirrors are the octagon-shaped mirror with a flat, concave or convex reflector. If you want to place these Feng Shui mirrors in your home, you should consult the Feng Shui expert. Any misuse of Bagua mirrors can push away the good energies of your home. 

Mirrors you should avoid

If you want to use a mirror for good feng shui, you should always avoid mirrors with cracks, is partially damaged, distorted, or cloudy. 

Mirror typeFeng Shui tips
FlatReflection of the mirror must confirm to FengShui guideline for your particular room
ConvexProvides a watchful eye against a constant bad energy
ConcaveRemoves negative energies
BaguaTake FengShui expert help – misuse can invite bad luck
DamagedDo not use it

How to use mirrors?

How to place a mirror for FengShui?

  1. Find Bagua areas

    Every room offers a unique set of energies – this can be checked through a Bagua map. Place a Bagua map in your home. Make a note of any weak or any missing Bagua place – Find how to Use Bagua Map for your home.

  2. Check door locations

    Walk around your rooms, and check your position when using the room. You must hold a commanding position. When you are cooking, sleeping in your bed, or at your working desk – you should be able to see the door. Make a note of the rooms where a commanding position is unavailable.

  3. Choose a mirror type

    Every mirror – flat, concave, convex or Bagua offers specific benefits. Depending on the data collected from Step 1 to Step 3, choose a type of mirror for its purpose.

  4. Mirror placement

    To fix a mirror for desirable benefits, Check out the tips on do’s and don’t of FengShui mirrors

  5. Feng shui mirror for rooms

    With the weak energies’ areas from Step 1, use the FengShui mirror guidelines for different rooms. Find a suitable spot to place the mirror in each room. 

fengshui mirror facing door

Feng shui mirror placement

Feng Shui tips for Mirrors


  • Use mirrors in weak Bagua places
  • Choose a mirror placement to reflect the room door, window or nature’s view from outside
  • Make sure two mirrors do not reflect each other
  • Use the mirror in the entrance of your home.


  • Do not place a mirror in your sleeping area.
  • Avoid using a mirror with antique surfaces.
  • Do not place a mirror very high above the ground or too low to the ground.
mirror wall placement

Mirror placement

Direction for mirror

As per Bagua, the best directions for placing a mirror in the Bagua areas are north, east, and southeast. 

Mirror Location

Do not ever place two mirrors facing each other as they exhibit challenges. The energy keeps bouncing and causes chaos and problems in your life. You can just put one big mirror to bring in the light. 

Placing mirrors for room

Primary entry mirror

Place the mirror near the main entrance if your home is a good feng shui. However, do not place a mirror precisely in front of your home entrance. 

Living room placement

In the living room, select the right Bagua place, and you can create a mirror wall by artistically packing different mirrors. It is a good feng shui.

Mirror in Dining area

By placing a mirror in your dining room, you can attract an abundance of food and wealth in your home. Make sure the mirror reflects the food and decorations at the tabletop – the reflection of your food doubles it, thereby inviting more prosperity. So, if you want to build wealth and also nurture good relationships, then place a mirror such that it reflects your dining table. 

Bathroom mirror

For bathroom spaces, you can place one big clean mirror. Mirrors also make your room feel bigger. If the Bagua map in your home does not like the water represented by the mirror, then placing the mirror in the bathroom is acceptable.

Mirror for the bedroom

In bedroom spaces, mirror placement above your bed is a good FengShui. But, make sure you do not place a mirror that reflects your bed.

fengshui bagua mirror

Kitchen Fengshui mirror

Placing a mirror in the kitchen is considered as bad Feng Shui because the fire and water element present in your kitchen are conflicting. However, Feng shui suggests placing a mirror that reflects the burners of your stove. Remember, the more the number of burners on your stove, the more you will attract wealth.

Mirror for home-office

You can enhance your attention by placing a mirror on the ceiling above your desk or your meditation area. For a study or office area, never place a mirror behind your back. Also, for a home office, avoid placing it in front of the door.

Why choose FengShui Mirror

Balance energies

The mirror acts as a water element of your home. It means, the mirrors help in balancing off the current energies present at your place. They also make your space feel larger.

Invites wealth and health

When placed in the right direction, mirrors bring in good health to you. They also attract wealth into your home.

Boosts positivity

Mirrors can eliminate the negative energies of your home and enhance the positivity.

Feng Shui for Home

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