Apply Ayurveda Gunas to elevate your home decor with a new twist. A unique approach to creating meaningful homes by bringing harmony and balanced energies in your place.
Do you know art and decor influences your thoughts, and your experiences of a room? Ayurveda Trigunas of Sattva, Rajas and Tamas are a terrific age-old method to understand the effect of your art and decor choices. Sattvic Art can be used to make your bedroom a calm and relaxing place, while Rajasic Art can be used to make your living rooms exciting and energizing. Amazing right?
Keep Reading for,
- Ayurveda Gunas
- Ayurveda and Art
- Decor with Ayurveda Gunas
- Choosing Ayurveda Art for your home
Ancient Hindu temples have employed the Ayurvedic Triguna principles since centuries. Ayurveda is an ancient Indian science of life that offers profound insights into living a holistic and balanced life. The gunas in Ayurveda, also known as Trigunas, are associated with three fundamental qualities in all matter, including our bodies, minds, and even our environment. This balanced state of gunas is associated with health, well-being, and spiritual progress. If gunas are imbalanced, life feels different, and negativity surrounds us and our environment, which is not a feel-good aspect for anyone. Ayurveda guna-inspired art for your home decor can help balance your emotional side, boosting wellness and happiness in you and your home.
Read about Ayurveda Decor for Self CareAyurveda Gunas
Gunas are found in everything in the Universe. The “triguna” idea divides all substances and forces into three main Gunas: Sattva, Rajas, and Tamas. Our physical and mental health depends on how well the gunas in our physical being work together.
Sattva – purity, lightness, goodness
Sattva represents purity, clarity, lightness, and simplicity. This guna is often associated with knowledge and wisdom. It promotes a sense of peace, tranquility, calm, and well-being.
Rajas – activity, passion, dynamism
Rajas has more drama, action, and passion. While Sattva is calm and peaceful, Rajas, on the other hand, is active and energetic. It evokes excitement and creates a different aura in your surroundings.
Tamas – inertia, darkness, dullness
Tamas offers a more negative shade of energy. It is identified by traits like inertia, darkness, and a sense of stagnation in the environment. Even a slight imbalance in tamas can create an atmosphere of friction and movement in your home and surroundings.
Art and Ayurveda Gunas
The gunas are ever-changing, so it’s essential to be mindful of their impact and make necessary adjustments when needed in your lives. By understanding the gunas and their characteristics, one can enhance their creative expression through art and promote balance and well-being in their homes as well. Let us take you through them.
Sattva in Art
By now you know the Sattvic qualities are characterised by lightness, purity, and simplicity. The essence and force driving the Sattvic gunas are mostly neutral, so the colors also have to be soft and natural. Sattvic art can express a sense of peace, love, and compassion.

Rajas in Art
Rajasic is ‘activity’, a means of motion of the positive, fiery, and outgoing, characterised by energy, passion, and dynamism. Rajas in art can show freedom by expressing your emotions through bright colours and more drama. It can often make you feel excited, motivated, and driven. Balance these forces by using bold colours and designs.
Tamas in Art
Tamasic is ‘inertia’ – a mode of ignorance offering darkness and heaviness in the atmosphere around you. It often uses dull colors with no happy vibes, mostly gloomy imagery. On the other hand, Tamasic art can be a place for new ideas to form and for artists to find inspiration in quiet times and solitude.
Decor with Ayurveda Gunas
The goal of Ayurveda is to achieve a balance of gunas in the body and mind. Diet, lifestyle practices, and yoga are the popular practices for healing of our health. Now, common wisdom suggest that our health is not only about our body, but also our mind, our emotions and thoughts. And the places we experience through our days and nights influences our mind and the state of our mental health. Here, you can consider the wisdom of Trigunas as a design guide to create spaces that have positive and desirable influence on you, thereby boosting your emotional state and mental health.
Essentially, you can use the gunas to display different feelings, thoughts and emotions. For instance, you can bring peace, love and kindness with a Sattvic art; while rajasic art can celebrate passion, eagerness and vigour. Every decor piece that you pick for your home has a meaning and some emotions attached to it. Similarly, an art piece that you choose could attract you with its positive energies, also influence your thoughts. For instance, a Sattva art in the bedroom is a very effective way to encourage restfulness in your sleep. On the other hand, if your lethargic lifestyle is a concern, a Rajasic art form in the bedroom can influence an energetic start to your day.
Find Better Sleep, Explore Ayurveda BedroomsHow to use Gunas in Art and Decor
Think about the last time you were selecting a room decor item – were you confused about one or more items? The Ayurvedic Trigunas are a guide for your art and decor choices. It is a lens to understand the mood of a specific decor piece. Next time you are looking for a room decor, ask yourself to bucket it under one of the Trigunas. Go with your gut in figuring out the specific decor item radiating Sattva vibes, or Rajasic or Tamasic vibrations. Here, we have put out a guide to refer to while buying any form of artwork as per Ayurveda.
- Establish your approach towards Ayurveda Gunas: Let’s understand that gunas are ever-changing. The gunas are dynamic and everchanging. The dynamic nature of your person can change over time based on what you think, do, and where you are. Trigunas can be a reflection of your persona, or an influence on it. Let’s discuss this with a real life example of decorating your home’s main entrance door . It may be that the pathway leading to your home’s entrance is very chaotic. When approaching your home, yourself and your guests feel a subtle unrest. This unrest causes a peak in Tamasic energies.
- Ayurveda recommends to balance the Gunas: Use the wisdom of Ayurveda Gunas to create a vibe that can benefit us in a wholesome way. There is no such thing as gunas are always good or always bad. Our agenda is to create a balance of the three gunas. Like we humans have good and bad qualities, and that’s what makes us more humans. Similarly, each guna has its own unique offerings, and, depending on the setting, these can be good or bad. Now, going back to the home entrance door experience, the door decor is your chance to rebalance the tamasic energies. Ayurveda decor suggests the decor selections are an essential tool to make your home more welcoming. You can choose to soothe the spike in tamasic energies by presenting a peaceful Sattva art; or to rechannel the Tamasic vibrations into energies by choosing a Rajasic art item.
- Employing Ayurveda guided art: Practice mindfulness when selecting your art and decor pieces.Use self-awareness and self-reflection in your artistic choices. Once you grasp the fundamentals of the Trigunas and how they work, you can make meaningful decor and interior design choices that bring balance and well-being to your lifestyle.
The Ayurvedic gunas are a powerful tool to influence your inner self. Art and decor is always an experience. With Ayurveda guided art and decor selections, you can create a desired space that can uplift your mood, or bring restful vibes. Your home is like an extension to your Koshas, it is a physical manifestation of your persona. If you know about the gunas and how art is a way to benefit from the three gunas, you can choose your home’s art and decor that is both beautiful and purposeful.
You can experience the energies of Gunas in all aspects of art, from the choice of materials to the composition of the piece. The gunas method is a terrific way to bring purpose to your art selections, making it therapeutic or healing. There are many ways to invite the gunas into your home, and one of the best ways is to choose a meaningful piece of decor.