Celebrations during Corona – Try Eco-friendly decorations for your festival

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Written By ms

Best ideas for your decorations at your home in Corona Covid-19 lockdown. Discover eco-friendly DIY decorations you can make at home

Eco-friendly decorations inflict less or no harm to our environment through our daily life practices. Being eco-friendly is about choosing products that are non-toxic and better for us and the environment.

eco-friendly decoration

With eco-sensitive choices, even when you make slight changes, make a huge difference. Your decision to use paper bags, burn less fuel, buy organic food matters. Along with changes in our day-to-day life, we suggest celebrating your occasions of joy with eco-friendly decorations. Let’s set a new theme to your parties and festivals, an idea that is innovative and with a purpose.

Why choose eco-friendly decorations?

Everyone is well aware of our battle for a better environment. While scientists all over the world are trying to figure out a Planet-B for human life, you and I can make small little changes too. You see, our battle to save our mother Earth is more like a challenge – to give up an extravagant lifestyle for adopting new habits. After all, the fact remains that Earth is the only precious planet. So, today, eco-friendly choices are more critical than ever. Now, on to protect, preserve and save the world for ourselves and our future generations.
festival decor

What are eco-friendly decorations?

Eco-friendly party decorations mean we need to ask more about the materials used in making the decorations. Your choice of decorations should not harm our ecosystem in any way – so plastic or synthetics. Here is a list of eco-friendly decorations for your next occasion:
a. Paper garlands and swirls
b. Smart LED fairy lights
c. Terracotta pots and diyas
d. Origami papercraft decor
e. Flowers – in water bowls or rangoli designs

Eco-friendly decor

Here is a list of eco-friendly decoration ideas and the item you can use to make it easier for you.

Paper decorations

Paper swirls can give a sparkling effect to your party. For a grand look, you can also combine it with garlands of paper flowers made from recycled paper. These garlands are reducing the waste of natural flowers. You can make it all the more attractive by adding paper bunting. This is a low-cost easy to make the craft. Children quickly make paper crafts with little of your supervision. So paper decorations are also an excellent activity for some quality family time.

Smart lights

LED fairy lights can give you a bold, bright lighting option. They are energy-efficient that save up-to 90% of the energy consumed. You can do your bit in conserving the natural resources used in generating power by using these lights. Moreover, it is very easy on your pocket.


Origami papercraft decor is a fabulous option for the decoration of mandaps of deities. Recycled paper can be used to prepare toran garlands for the doorway. These are delicately made and look vibrant. It is a kind of art which reuses waste paper left-outs. And being recycled paper, the toran is 100% biodegradable. Awesome!

paper flowers
origami festival decor


Terracotta is made of mud, so ithas the edge over the plasticware. You know, plastic is non-biodegradable and emit a lot of poisonous smoke while being manufactured. Now, earthenware, as the name suggests, is made using natural soil. Nowadays, we have high-quality terracotta that is safe to use as decor and for serving too. 

Flower rangoli

You can adorn your entryways, gateways or the place where the idols are placed with beautiful Rangoli designs. Rangoli is one of the most ancient art forms followed by Indians. It includes the usage of coloured rice powder, flower petals and green leaves – all of which are natural and biodegradable.

Tips to choose eco-friendly decorations

Here is your quick guide to follow and bring about the green revolution during decorations at festivals. When you think of buying products for decoration, keep these pointers in mind. Every decoration item must be at least one of the three keys.

  • Reusable – useable again or more than one time
  • Recyclable – that can be put through a cycle of use back
  • Biodegradable – that doesn’t cause pollution on being broken down to simpler substance. 
paper decor

Ask a few questions to yourself while shopping around for decorative items. Ask about the materials used for making the items. Think about the fate of the decorations once you throw them in the garbage bin. Will it hurt the environment, or can it merge with the soils and waters of our Earth. If the answer to these questions includes any one of the ideas shared above, then you are on the right track.

Become eco-friendly,

We got to reduce pollution and exploitation of natural resources by making a few lifestyle changes. Let’s consciously drift towards a better, healthier and greener home. One choice, one step – every day!

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